Automated manufacturing management systems, exact calculations, monitoring and tracking systems are important elements of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, the full range of operational software in this industry needs to be supported by the telecommunications industry.
GigaTrans has been providing reliable services to different sectors of the economy for more than sixteen years, and the manufacturing industry is no exception. Internet access and reliable data transmission channels are a basis that helps manufacturer to operate and be confident in their business.
Classic telecommunications service package:
- development of the transport data transmission channel without Internet connection;
- connection of the high-speed Internet access channel at the manufacturing facilities, warehouses and stores of the client.
Additional services:
- prompt connection of all the manufacturing facilities of the client to the single network owing to SD-WAN as a service, the automated network management service;
- connection of the central office, manufacturing facilities and stores of the client’s network with reliable data transmission channels;
- protection from DDoS attacks, which will protect the information of strategic importance from hackers.
Integrated solutions:
- installation of the client’s server equipment in the GigaCenter data centre, which will ensure reliable storage of data on the manufacturing management systems;
- provision of the cloud infrastructure (services) with GigaCloud to back up the important business data.